An article review incorporates both a summary and an analysis of another author’s essay. Therefore, it is important for you to understand the intended message of the essay and the point of view of the writer. Your focus should be on arguments and the main themes presented by the writer. If interested in writing an essay review here is a guideline on how to go about it.
First, you need to understand what an essay review is. An essay review is a summary of the main points of the essay and the general argument presented by the writer. It is more than just your opinion. It is a respond to the research done by the author.
Think about the organization of an essay review. It is important to have an outline way before you even start reading the essay you want to review. Having an outline will help you understand how you will read the article. As you start reviewing, focus on summarizing the essay, look at the positive elements of the essay and also single out the inconsistencies in the essay. In addition to this, single out any answered questions in the essay.
With the above information, you can go ahead and preview the essay. At this stage, look at the title, the headings, and subheadings, the lead, paragraphs, and conclusion. This will help you identify the main points in the essay. With a clue on what the essay entails, read the full essay to its completion. First, read through very fast, then for the second time, read it carefully.
Having read the essay twice, it is time to write it in your own words. Focus on the main point of the essay and the arguments provided by the author. It is important to maintain your accuracy. After writing it down in your own words decide on the elements you want to review. You can focus on the style employed by the writer or the content. After completing writing it you can as well cite it.
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