Castle’s Family Restaurant: HRIS Assessment
Group 3
Determining the best Human Resource Information System (HRIS) can be a major factor in improving business processes. A business assessment has been completed for Castle Family Restaurant and it was determined that the business would benefit from using HRIS software. The restaurant has eight locations in the Northern California area containing 300-340 employees. Forty percent of its employees are full time with the remaining sixty percent being part-time. The opportunities to be addressed include payroll, scheduling, recruiting, attendance tracking, hiring, and answering employee questions. Through research, there are two recommended HRIS software that would answer the problems that the restaurant is facing. Followed by the number one choice that will benefit the Castle Family Restaurants.
There are three main types of HRIS applications. These are Core HR, Workforce Management, and Strategic HR or Talent Management (Westfall, 2015). The Core HR covers the day-to-day HR functions of any scale and type of business operation, i.e., administration of salaries and benefits, tax filing compliance and personnel tracking. Workforce management offers software solution to aid in scheduling and tracking workforce. This is suited for organizations with employees that work on shifts, which makes tracking of time and attendance critical to comply with labor laws. Strategic HR, on the other hand provides a more advance and strategic tool for recruitment, training and development, and performance management. It is aimed at maximizing human resources and retaining them (Appendix A).
Appendix B shows the differences among small, medium, and large scale enterprises that may serve as determinant on what HRIS solution would be appropriate for each one (Institute Empowering Medium Business, n.d.).
For smaller (<100 employees) to medium size businesses (100-999 employees) struggling to manage growth, such as the focus of this case, it is advisable to prioritize the immediate need of eliminating paper and manual driven process, and getting employee records and basic compensation and benefits right. This will help the business owners and management to concentrate on their strategic plan to grow the company, and at the same time ensure compliance with labor laws. Capital may also be limited at this stage that investment in IT technology such as HRIS would have to be rationed in proportion to other business priorities. Given this, if management have to prioritize their choice, the Core HR, specifically Payroll software application could be the best solution for them in the meantime.
When deciding to automate HR payroll processes to ensure more reliable system that delivers payments of salaries and benefits to employees quickly and on-time, any size company may opt to outsource or have their own payroll system. A separate cost-benefits analysis may have to be done to determine what fits the organization’s need. While outsourcing could be cheaper, it has a setback, as it entails a company losing control and flexibility on its payroll processes (Westfall, 2015). In this case, it is assumed that the company has done its analysis and decided to acquire its own payroll system.
It should be noted however that as the company grows into the category of large scale companies (>1000 employees) with access to more capital, the concerns would be more for the long term sustainability of the business’ success. In people terms, it meant ensuring that recruitment of/existing employees are fit for their positions, continually trained, kept happy, and are retained to achieve company goals. This is where Strategic HR application of HRIS is best suited to address these considerations. With this in mind, when beginning to choose any HRIS system, it is advisable to consider factors such as scalability and flexibility of the system to accommodate expansion of the organization and integration of current system to other HRIS software’s should the company pursue buying Strategic HR applications later on (Westfall, 2015).
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software that ensures that all employees’ data are maintained in a central repository. This repository is maintained by the Human Resource department. Such data is relevant for determining the effectiveness and efficiency of decisions that the department undertakes in management of its human capital. Such an information system can store processing and the overall management of employees and finances. For instance, the following details about employees may be reflected in a properly working HRIS; name, addresses, identification numbers, and even information about dependents. In addition, the system provides interfaces that facilitate recruitment, application tracking, attendance management, and performance appraisal. The system also maintains financial transaction files, as well as customer information and queries (Kavanagh and Johnson, 2017).
Ascentis is a HRIS software used for small growing businesses. It helps break down and simplify the many things that makes managing a restaurant difficult. Its system provides features such as HRIS and benefits management, time and attendance, payroll and tax filing services, and applicant tracking and onboarding. Features such as these would allow Castle’s restaurant to function with consistency while empowering its employees in the process. As Castle’s restaurant grows, Ascentis would expand along with them managing employee data and eliminating the process of manual inputting.
Castle’s is a growing business, Ascentis’ HRIS engages employees allowing them to use the company-branded employee portal as a way for employees to stay connected for all things employee related. The ability to contact one another, including management with personal or business issues answer why Ascentis is much needed. Its configuration tools and security allows HR to capture and report critical data for the restaurants needs (Ascentis, 2017, Para. 2). Its time and attendance software manages labor costs, employee scheduling, and resource utilization, thus applying pay policies fairly and accurately. Managers will know when employees are late to work, leave early or take breaks or lunch longer than the appropriate time. The system mitigates the inaccurate or fraudulent timekeeping. To keep track of these matters, configurations that would be useful in the restaurant would include a badge, mobile app, or web portals.
Ascentis software is a cost effective one for its pricing is based on a 3 year contract. For Castles restaurant containing 300-340 employees, it will cost $19.15 for each employee a month. With the size of Castles restaurant, Mr. Morgan needs a system that allows him to track data from multiple locations. Ascentis’ Full Suite package, which includes HR, performance, learning, payroll, recruiting, and time, allows Mr. Morgan to see every step of the schedule and who is responsible for each step in the process. Its software would be beneficial not only to the restaurant but also to its employees.
HRIS Workday vendor is mainly prompted by its characteristics. The system has significantly involved customers in the development of products and suggestions on need to standardize updates. The system tracks customers’ expectations, analyze them to adopt the most preferred item. Such a characteristic that fosters acceptability of products supplied in the market. The workday HRIS has also proved to be simple to use and adopt due to its the system being easier to use. Regardless of your device, the system has provided a satisfying interface that adopting a new system with uncertainty in autonomy may implicate the management process. The system can automatically update to the most recent versions easily while maintaining a unified platform approach that integrates all issues in the human resource management process (Peppard and Ward, 2016). With Workdays 3-year minimum contract commitment, its services normally start at $100-200 per employee per year. As a result, $800k annual subscriptions costs are common and growing.
The system prompts adoption of the single code line and the progressive development of the software has been enlisted as a significant boost to the functioning of the software. It is noted to be faster in the way customer requests are handled, with an associated high level of efficiency. Also, its role in enabling businesses to establish processes, define reporting channels, enhanced integration of the activities in the business with a lateral customization of data to suit decisions to be undertaken. In addition, the system boasts of hosting a built-in support structures that enable easier synthesis of data, higher reliability and improved security of the information of the business (Johnson and Diman, 2017).
With the above-mentioned advantages, the system remains in the most competitive edge in facilitating human capital and financial management needs of the businesses. Regardless of size of the company, the system enlists advantages that should be braced for maintaining market relevance of firms that adopt in. Indeed, the system is necessary for small firms especially since these organizations highly rely on proper financial management practices and a responsive customer relationship to foster growth. Introduction of new products in the market mainly depend on the needs of the customer, which such a system effectively and efficiently addresses.
Ascentis and Workday have very similar functions such time card tracking, vacation hours, scheduling, keeping track of recruiting data, and user friendliness, there was a lot of research that needed done. Even though it took some convincing Mr. Morgan agreed on a HRIS to be set-up. He realized that the system will pay for itself in about six months because he will no longer be traveling weekly to each of the restaurants which will also give him more time with his family. After comparing the two HRIS in great detail Mr. Morgan has decided that Ascentis is the HRIS best for him and the mid-size restaurant chain he is in charge of operating. Mr. Morgan did thorough research and found the reviews for Ascentis were a little higher than Workday and that the cost of the software was less as well.
Mr. Morgan will also be able to keep track of all applicants more efficiently. Instead of using paper applications, applicants will be able to apply online. This will give Mr. Morgan time to review the candidates he is interested in speaking with for open positions. He will also be able to add notes and track what stage a candidate is in during onboarding.
His research found that once companies moved to Ascentis, they completed payroll in 30% less time than before. Mr. Morgan will have each of the restaurant managers trained on Ascentis so that they can train the employees. The employees will be trained on the self-service portal. They will be able to view their schedules the same day Mr. Morgan enters them into the system because Ascentis is real time. Time cards and time off balances will also be available with real time accumulations. The employees will learn how to set-up direct deposit or the option of setting up a Global Cash Card ( in lieu of a bank account.
In conclusion, it is imperative for businesses to make the best HRIS decision to improve the business process being implemented. For Castle Family Restaurants, the top two HRIS choices are Ascentis and Workday. After thorough research of what system best serves the needs of the Castle Family Restaurants, Ascentis proved to be more fitting for the restaurant’s needs. Ascentis’ system is cost effective, provides proper reflection of the current employee’s information, such as name, address, identification numbers, payroll, timekeeping, as well as new onboarding employees. With regards to the new employees, Mr. Morgan will be able to efficiently track the progress of onboarding employees.
The HRIS Ascentis efficiently allows Mr. Morgan to manage operations of the business, as well as reduce the time traveling between restaurants and entering payroll. By implementing Ascentis, Mr. Morgan has increased the efficiency of all employees and provided all employees with the key to self-sufficiency. By saving the company an average of 30% less time spent on payroll, it can now be more effectively utilized towards other business needs. This includes, Ascentis allowing all employees to view their schedules in real-time and provide more options in being able to receive their paycheck, such as direct deposit or cash cards. Having a HRIS implemented in the business, it provides efficiency, organization, and proficiency to all employees who utilize the system or have an effect of the results of the system.
Ascentis. (2017, November 09). Ascentis: Solutions (th)at work. Retrieved from Ascentis:
Institute Empowering Medium Business (n.d.). Understanding Medium Enterprise. Retrieved from
Johnson, R.D., & Diman, K. (2017). An investigation of the factors driving the adoption of cloud based human resource information systems by small and medium sized businesses. In Electronic HRM in the smart era (pp, 1-31). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Kavanagh, M.J., & Johnson R.D. (Eds.) (2017). Human resource information system: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications
Peppard, J., & Ward, J, (2016). The strategic management of information systems: building a digital strategy. John Wiley & Sons.
Westfall, B (2015). Compare Human Resources Software Systems. Software Advice. Retrieved from.
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