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CapstoneTopic Summary

Capstone Topic Summary  


My preceptor Ms. Wilder and I discussed the needs of the community we both serve. Living in South Florida where there is a strong presence of African American population who is underserved by the health care community. The topic I chose will help serve this population. I recently relocated to Georgia which also have a large African American population. The evidence-based topic for the capstone change proposal will focus on the African American population and COVID 19. The category my topic and intervention falls under the community branch. I want to educate the African American population on the benefits of getting the COVID vaccine. History has shown that African American have a sincere distrust in the health care system due to health disparities and previous unconsented experiments performed by the medical community. The pandemic has disproportionately impacted African Americans. But yet this population is reluctant to receive the vaccine. Whether it is from social determents (limited finances, education, insurance or lack of) or health conditions (i.e. hypertension, diabetes), there is need for education to prevent higher mortality rates among the African American population.

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