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Using proper APA formatting write a 400-word discussion paper describing:



Using proper APA formatting write a 400-word discussion paper describing:

· Crime Prevention through Environmental Design(CPTED)’ and the type of social behaviors it attempts to enhance.

· Search the Internet for an article where Information Security failed.

· Propose and discuss possible changes in that organization’s Information Security that could have prevented the breach/failure for that scenario.

Length: 2-3 paragraphs

Assignment -2


Using proper APA formatting write a 400-word discussion paper describing:

Use your knowledge of Physical Security to protect your company assets in choosing a data center infrastructure.

What will be the checklist?

The paper should include Standards, Regulations, and Guidelines, etc., Info-Tech System Infrastructure, Security Officers, and Equipment.

Please cite two-source.

Length: 2-3 paragraphs


Assignment – 3

Using proper APA formatting write a 400-word discussion paper describing:


· Physical security system infrastructure and components

· Search the Internet for an article for examples  of a physical security system infrastructure

· Why is Physical Security system infrastructure so important in a data center ?

· Please cite two sources

Length: 2-3 paragraphs

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