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Counselling class



DIRECTIONS: 4 pages (plus reference page), double-spaced, 11 or 12 font. Use APA (7th Edition) for references.

To prepare to write this paper, you will need to do some self-reflection on all the theories you have learned about in this course. You will need to think about your values, belief system, and interests and consider your spiritual beliefs, & cultural background.

Explore in depth the two or three theories that seem to match your style best. Use the library and web sites to get a better understanding of these theories. Select a few books by the theorists that interest you most. Additionally, in your text, at the end of each chapter, you will find many resources, including the websites for each theory.

To view a theory “in action” go to the Psychotherapy.net site on the AU Library Resources & view at least one video on the theory you think fits you best. (See back of this sheet for FREE videos available for you to use).

Once you feel you have a good understanding of the theory that seems to match your beliefs best, write your reaction paper. Try to select one basic theory that works best for you and, if necessary, discuss how a secondary theory will work well with your basic theory. If you select a secondary theory, make sure that the basic beliefs of both theories work well with each other and do not contradict each other. For example: Psychoanalytic theory and REBT. Could they work together?

Please use Section Titles in your paper:

I. Introduction

II. Beliefs about the Nature of Human Development & How People Change

A. Beliefs re: the nature of human development & how individuals change

B. How do you believe individuals develop and change in life? What have you noticed about your own growth and development?

C. What is your psychological & culturally embedded explanation for the reasons individuals’ experience emotional distress?

III. Preferred Counseling Theory(s) & Rationale for Selection

A. Discuss the theory(s) of your choice with respect to relationship building, goals of therapy, strategies, and methods for encouraging change.

B. If you plan to blend two theories, explain clearly how they will work together.

C. What set of techniques, procedures, and practices do you believe lead clients to change & enact something positive, helpful, or adaptive in their lives?

D. How would your theory of choice assist you in facilitating positive change in individuals? Explain.


IV. Personal Experiences Related to Selected Theoretical Approaches

A. Explain and summarize the life experiences that influenced you in deciding on the theory that you believe holds truth for you? Clearly explain how they influenced you.

B. Briefly discuss three techniques or strategies supported by your theory(s) and explain how they resonate with your own life experiences. How would you use such techniques and why?

V. Conclusion

Below are some questions to help guide you in your exploration. Feel free to add more topics or select from the questions listed. (Do not write out the questions followed by an answer in your paper.)

1. What is your basic belief about the nature of people? How did you develop that belief? How does your chosen theory compare?

1. What is your natural style of dealing with people? What type of person are you? Do you like to take the lead or do you prefer that the client takes the lead in sessions? Are you talkative, quiet, confrontational, active, or more passive? How does your theorist describe the counseling relationship? Does that fit well with your innate style?

1. What do you believe promotes clients to change? How does this belief compare to the techniques used by the theory you chose?

1. As you watch counseling demonstrations, what attracts you to each particular approach?

1. What personal experiences have you had that influence the way you feel about people and/or counseling?

1. Is there anything about your chosen theory that makes you uncomfortable?

1. Does the approach you chose require additional training? If so, how would you obtain this training?

1. If you believe that you need to combine theories to meet your beliefs & values, how would you do so?

1. Is there another theory which we did not study in this class that you are attracted to? Discuss it briefly. How & why will it work more effectively for you?

1. What did you learn from the psychotherapy.net video you watched that assisted you in selecting a theory? Was it the techniques the therapist used, the therapist’s style, or the philosophical position of the theorist that appealed to you?

1. Did you see any theory videos that, after viewing, you realized did not match up with your values and life philosophies?


FREE videos available on Psychotherapy.net

1. Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach

2. Family Therapy with the Experts: 10-Video Series | Adlerian Family Therapy

3. Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series | Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

4. Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series | Multimodal Therapy

5. Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series | Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

6. Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series | Reality Therapy

7. Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series | Solution-Focused Therapy

8. Psychotherapy Essentials to Go (6-video series) | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

9. Perspectives in Behavior Therapy (8-Video Series) | Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

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